Manual Uninstall Net Nanny

Please follow the steps below to remove Net Nanny manually, if you have any questions or concerns while following these instructions please contact

1) Go to the Start Menu => Run.

Please subscribe, like the video if you have any questions leave them in the comments!:). It doens't work well on our Windows 7 boxes. We have Verizon FIOS and when Net Nanny installed the desktop and laptops slow down, so much that youtube videos hang. If I disable Net Nanny, the youtube videos stream just fine. And these are standard definition videos. Makes the desktop not usable. Also, the setup just didn't work easily.

2) Click on “Browse”. This will bring up the Windows Explorer.
3) Double-click on the C drive, then double-click on the Program Files, then double-click on the Net Nanny folder.
4) You should now see NNsvc.exe. Double-click on this file. This will close the Explorer window and take you back to Run.
5) You should now see this:
'C:Program FilesNet NannyNNSvc.exe'
6) Type a space after the last quote mark, then type /unregserver. It should look like this:
'C:Program FilesNet NannyNNSvc.exe' /unregserver
Manual Uninstall Net Nanny7) Click on “Ok”. This will close the run box.
8) Go to the Start Menu => Run.
9) Type regedit and press “OK”. This will open up the Registry Editor.
Please exercise extreme caution in doing the following steps. ANY CHANGES MADE TO THE REGISTRY ARE PERMANENT AND CANNOT BE REVERSED. Changes can also disable your Windows installation, so please be careful!
10) You should see 'My Computer' and 5 drop-down keys, all starting with HKEY_.
11) Click on the + sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This will drop down another series of keys.
12) Click on the + sign next to SOFTWARE. This will drop down another series of keys.
13) Click on the + sign next to Microsoft. This will drop down another series of keys.

Manual Uninstall Net Nanny App

14) Click on the + sign next to Windows. This will drop down another series of keys.
15) Click on the + sign next to CurrentVersion. This will drop down another series of keys.
16) Click on the + sign next to Uninstall. This will drop down another series of keys.
17) You should now see the {51945e07-120d-4e78-a368-c4c8d5042d21} key. Click on it to select it.
18) Make sure you have the correct key. The full key is:
19) Now right-click on the {51945e07-120d-4e78-a368-c4c8d5042d21} key. This will bring up a menu.
20) Select “delete”.
Use the same method as above to remove the rest of the necessary registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunServicesNNSvc (this key will only exist if you are using Windows 98 or ME)
21) Once all 3 keys are removed (or 4 keys if you are using Windows 98/ME), close the registry editor by clicking on the X at the top right corner of the screen.
22) Restart the computer.
23) Right-click on the Start menu and go to “explore”. This will bring up the Windows Explorer again.
24) Find and delete:
• C:Program FilesNet Nanny and all its files and subfolders
The Windows System may be different depending on which Operating System you are using: On Windows NT or 2000 => C:WINNTSYSTEM32 On Windows XP => C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32
On Windows 98 or ME => C:WINDOWSSYSTEM
* If those files won’t delete because “they are in use or busy”, just press ctrl + alt + del, go into the Task Manager and stop all of the NN processes.
25) Restart the computer.

Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Download

26) Net Nanny should now be gone. If Net Nanny is still showing in the Start menu, you can right-click on it and choose “delete”.

General, How To • 21 October 2010

Windows XP

Step 1

Manual Uninstall Net Nanny
  • Click Start
  • Click on Settings
  • Open Control Panel
  • Open Add or Remove Programs.
  • Left click 'Content Protect'or 'Net Nanny' and click the 'change/remove' button.
  • Be sure to click 'yes to all'.
  • Restart your computer and the changes will take affect.

Step 2

  • Open My Computer
  • Click on Tools at the top
  • Click on Folder options
  • Open the View tab
  • Select the circle next to Show Hidden Files and Folders
  • Click Apply and then OK
    Delete the ContentWatch Folders from the following locations:
    c:program files
    c:documents and settingsall usersapplication data

Windows 7 or Vista

Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Free

Step 1

Uninstall Net Nanny

  • Click Start
  • Click on Settings
  • Open Control Panel
  • Open Programs and Features
  • Left click 'Content Protect' or 'Net Nanny' and click the 'change/remove' button.
  • Be sure to click 'yes to all'.
  • Restart your computer and the changes will take affect.

Step 2

Uninstall Net Nanny Windows 10

  • Open Computer and then click on the Alt key on the keyboard
  • Click on Tools at the top
  • Click on Folder options
  • Open the View tab
  • Select the circle next to Show Hidden Files and Folders
  • Click Apply and then OK

Manual Uninstall Net Nanny Program

Delete the ContentWatch Folders from the following locations:
c:program files