Beyond Compare

  1. Beyond Compare
  2. Beyond Compare Software
Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare Portable is a powerful time-saving utility for comparing files and folders on your Windows system. Use it to manage source code, keep folders in sync, compare program output, and validate copies of your data. Beyond Compare can create a snapshot of a live directory structure, and compare it against the live copy at a later date. Beyond Compare is a powerful time-saving utility for comparing files and folders on your Windows system. Use it to manage source code, keep folders in sync, compare program output, and validate copies of your data. Beyond Compare can create a snapshot of a live directory structure, and compare it against the live copy at a later date. Beyond Compare is the 2nd book in the Moreland Family series. The series follows all the eccentric family members and siblings that are interested in more then just parties and being posh while living in London during the 1700s. This could be debunking seances, to antiquities, to tra.


If you’ve ever needed to compare two text files you’ll know it can be tedious – but what you may not know is Notepad++ can do this, and do it quite well.

If you’re not already familiar with Notepad++, it is a text editor designed for coding. This small piece of software has big features, such as allowing you to view code with colour styling and line numbers to make the code easier to read and debug.

How to compare two text files using Notepad++

These instructions have been written for Notepad++ v7.8.2.

CompareBeyond Compare

Step 1: Install Compare plugin

  1. Open Notepad++
  2. Click on the ‘Plugins’ then ‘Plugins Admin’
  3. A list of available plugins will appear
  4. TIP: if the list is empty you need to check your Internet connection or proxy settings.
  5. Either search or scroll until you see ‘Compare’
  6. Place a tick next to the name then click on the ‘Install’ button
  7. Once the plugin is installed you will be prompted to restart Notepad++
  8. Click ‘Yes’ to finish the install.

Beyond Compare

Step 2: Compare two files using Notepad++ Compare plugin

  1. Now that the Compare plugin has been installed, open two files
  2. Click on the ‘Plugins’ menu then ‘Compare’ and ‘Compare’ again
  3. The files will be displayed, side by side, with the differences highlighted

Beyond Compare Software

Please note: it helps to keep the ‘old’ copy of your file on the left and the ‘new’ on the right – this should help with understanding how the plugin shows the difference between files.