Burst The Game

BURST TO POWER for Android is a burst game specially designed to be fully-featured characters game. This ANIME ACTION RPG game features stunning 3D visuals and FAST ACTION PACKED battle system. Create a team of warriors and complete challenges unlocking new upgrades, abilities and awakenings. Become the strongest and overcome every challenge. Burst Games; BURST GAMES. Play the best free online Burst Games on Word Games! New games are added everyday - enjoy the unlimited game collection with players around the world!

So I am still new to warrior pvp. As a condemn warrior, I do get rage starved more often than I like to. I also noticed the squishy targets were never an issue to begin with with or without condemn, however the tough ones are high hp lots of heals or armor ppl.

Problem: Rage starved and cant take down hard targets fast enough when they at 35% with condemn.

Burst The Game

Solution: Deadly Calm and using the exploiter or increase condemn crit chance item. Mass spam the wazoo with condemn at 35%. My guess is you can easily explode like 6 condemns. Thoughts? Who can survive 6 condemn explosion if they dont have a single defensive CD like divine shield? Anyone tried it yet? Deadly Calm at 1min CD seems like it will happen quite a lot in BGs too.

Burst The Balloon Game


On a test with the dummy and not using charge with no exploiter or extra crit conduit I managed to dish out 9 condemns without stopping just simply deadly calm + condemn spam. Remember all these are shadow dmg too. The whole point of a condemn build is that we want to be condemning the wazoo when it is our window for dmg, only deadly calm can give you that fix.

Burst The Game Download

Add your pvp burst trinket + blood rage of orc + deadly calm + condemn x10. Anyone like the condemn dmg sound? It sounds better than execute too with a nice visual like slicing the enemy in half.