Jboss 5.1

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

This topic describes how to deploy an application developed using the Interface Mapping Toolkit to JBoss Application Server.

Installing JBoss Application Server

You can download JBoss Application Server from http://jbossas.jboss.org/downloads, and install it from there.

If I start JBoss with the war deployed the deploy stops after about 20 seconds. Attached is a debug level server.log (zipped) showing an awful lot of exceptions where it fails to start. These logs are using mss-1.7.0-SNAPSHOT-jboss-jdk6-5.1.0.GA-full. I got similar results using 1.6 FINAL (I can take a server.log if it would help).

To open JBoss Application Server:

  • Enter the URL http://localhost:8080 in your Web browser, where 8080 is the default port.

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.5.1.Beta1b provides a number of additional features and tools for. JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final. Click here to learn more or install. Listed below are artifacts related to this release. Update Site zips (Archived p2 Repos) are for offline installation. You do not need to unpack these zips to use them. During the life cycle of a product's major version, Red Hat makes commercially reasonable efforts to maintain API-level compatibility across all minor releases and asynchronous patches, ensuring that, for example, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.1.2 maintains API-level compatibility with JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.0.0, the initial release of JBoss Enterprise Application. See Release Log. No support, archived release! Download (24MB) See Release Log. JBoss Application Server downloads starting from version 7.0 are hosted on jboss.org. Prior to version 7.0 they are hosted on sourceforge.net. For copyright purposes, a detailed source code change log is stored in the.log file. I am using OData4j for my RESTful service (deployed in JBoss AS 5.1.0). When i send PUT (i.e. Update request) and DELETE (i.e. Delete request) requests from my client, I am getting this error: HTTP Status 405 - Status report. The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource. JBoss Web/2.1.3.GA. GET and POST are working fine.

Administering JBoss Application Server

JBoss Application Server provides a Web interface for administering the application server. This administration interface is called the JBoss console. To start the console:

  • Enter http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/ in your Web browser, where 8080 is the default port.

Setting up JBoss Application Server

For JBoss 5.1 and 6.1, the JBoss Application Server provides deployment descriptors. These are packaged into the application archive (.ear) files when you generate EJBs using the Interface Mapping Toolkit. The deployment descriptors require some changes before generating EJBs. These changes are described below, in which your JBoss installation directory is the top-level directory of your JBoss installation.

JBoss 5.1
Using any text editor, edit the following JBoss files as specified here:
Located in your JBoss installation's bin directory.

Insert a SET statement to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory containing your JDK. For example:

set JAVA_HOME=c:program filesjavajdk1.6

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultconf (Windows) or server/default/conf (UNIX) directory.

Set the callByValue attribute to true:

<attribute name='callByValue'>true</attribute>

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeployersjbossweb.deployerMETA-INF (Windows) or server/default/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF (UNIX) directory.

Set the java2ClassLoadingCompliance property to true:

<property name='java2ClassLoadingCompliance'>true</property>

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeployers (Windows) or server/default/deploy (UNIX) directory.

Set the isolated property to false:

<property name='isolated'>false</property>

Set the callByValue property to true:

<property name='callByValue'>true</property>

jboss-ra.xml (optional)
Included in the mfcobol-notx.rar archive file located by default in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%Micro FocusVisual COBOLjavaeejavaee5jboss5 (Windows) or $COBDIR/javaee/javaee5/jboss5

Jboss 5.1.0 Ga

(UNIX) directory.

To enable tracing, set the trace attribute to true:

<attribute name='trace'>true</attribute>

JBoss 6.1
Using any text editor, edit the following JBoss files as specified here:
Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeploy (Windows) or server/default/deploy (UNIX) directory.

Set the callByValue property to true:

<property name='callByValue'>true</property>

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeployers (Windows) or server/default/deploy (UNIX) directory.

Set the isolated property to false:

<property name='isolated'>false</property>

Set the callByValue property to true:

<property name='callByValue'>true</property>

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeployers (Windows) or server/default/deploy (UNIX) directory.

Set the callByValue property to true:

<property name='callByValue'>true</property>

Located in your JBoss installation's serverdefaultdeployersjbossweb.deployerMETA-INF (Windows) or server/default/deployers/jboss-web.deployer/META-INF (UNIX) directory.

Set the java2ClassLoadingCompliance property to true:

<property name='java2ClassLoadingCompliance'>true</property>

jboss-ra.xml (optional)
Included in the mfcobol-notx.rar archive file located by default in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%Micro FocusVisual COBOLjavaeejavaee6jboss6 (Windows) or $COBDIR/javaee/javaee6/jboss6 (UNIX) directory.

To enable tracing, set the trace attribute to true:

<attribute name='trace'>true</attribute>

Starting and Stopping JBoss Application Server

You can start and stop JBoss Application Server from the JBoss console or from the command line, as follows.

JBoss 5.1 and 6.1

For Windows environments :

  • Run jboss_homebinrun.bat to start it.
  • Run jboss_homebinshutdown.bat -S to stop it.

For UNIX environments :

  • Run jboss_home/bin/run.bat to start it.
  • Run jboss_home/bin/shutdown.bat -S to stop it.
JBoss 7.1

For Windows environments :

  • Run jboss_homebinstandalone.bat to start it.
  • Run jboss_homebinjboss-cli --connect command=:shutdown to stop it.

For UNIX environments :

  • Run jboss_home/bin/run.bat to start it.
  • Run jboss_home/bin/shutdown.bat -S to stop it.

Deploying the Resource Adapter

JBoss 5.1 and 6.1

Resource adapters, named mfcobol*.rar, are supplied together with JBoss-specific deployment descriptors for using the resource adapters with the JBoss Application Server. The descriptors have names corresponding to the resource adapters, as follows:

  • mfcobol-notx-ds.xml is the descriptor for the resource adapter mfcobol-notx.rar
  • mfcobol-localtx-ds.xml is for mfcobol-localtx.rar
  • mfcobol-xa-ds.xml is for mfcobol-xa.rar

To deploy a resource adapter:

  1. Copy the appropriate .rar file into your JBoss deployment directory, which by default is jboss_homeserverdefaultdeploy (Windows) or jboss_home/server/default/deploy (UNIX).
  2. Copy the corresponding deployment descriptor,*ds.xml , for the resource adapter into the same directory. For example, if you are deploying mfcobol-notx.rar, copy mfcobol-notx-ds.xml.
JBoss 7.1
To deploy a resource adapter for JBoss 7.1, update the standalone.xml file, located in your JBoss installation's standaloneconfiguration (Windows) or standalone/configuration (UNIX) directory, as follows:
<subsystem xmlns='urn:jboss:domain:jca:1.1'> element
Edit the <archive-validation>, child of the <subsystem xmlns='urn:jboss:domain:jca:1.1'> element, to disable it:

<archive-validation enabled='false' fail-on-error='true' fail-on-warn='false'/>

Add the mfcobol-notx.rar resource adapter
As a child of <profile>, add the following <subsystem> to standalone.xml:

Jboss 5.1 Ga

Add the mfcobol-localtx.rar resource adapter
As a child of <profile>, add the following <subsystem> to standalone.xml:

Jboss 5.1 End Of Life

Add the mfcobol-xa.rar resource adapter
As a child of <profile>, add the following <subsystem> to standalone.xml:

Deploying the Application .ear File

When you generate an application .ear file the JBoss Application Server requires that the .ear file contains deployment descriptors that specify deployment information about your application. When you use generate a client and EJB using the Interface Mapping Toolkit, these deployment descriptors are automatically created and packaged into the .ear.

JBoss 5.1 and 6.1
To deploy your application .ear file:
  1. Copy the application .ear file from the directory my-projectreposmy-service.deploymy-service.earmy-project/repos/my-service.deploy/my-service.ear into your JBoss deployment directory which is, by default, jboss_homeserverdefaultdeployjboss_home/server/default/deploy

Jboss 5.1.0 Ga

JBoss 7.1
Copy the application .ear file from the directory my-projectreposmy-service.deploymy-service.earmy-project/repos/my-service.deploy/my-service.ear into your JBoss deployment directory which is, by default, jboss_homestandalonedeploymentsjboss_home/standalone/deployments


JBoss 5.1 and 6.1
JBoss stores log files and traces by default in jboss_homeserverdefaultlogserver.logjboss_homeserverdefaultlogserver.log.
JBoss 7.1
JBoss stores log files and traces by default in jboss_homestandalonelogserver.logjboss_homestandalonelogserver.log.

Configuring a JDBC Data Source for XA Transactions

If the application being deployed connects to a third-party database, you need to configure a JDBC data source and specify information such as the JNDI name of the data source.

JBoss 5.1 and 6.1
For an Oracle database, edit the Oracle-supplied deployment descriptor oracle-xa-ds.xml.
JBoss 7.1
Add a data source to the standalone.xml file.

For full details see the JBoss administration documentation on configuring JDBC data sources.

Further Information


For further information, see the Release Notes for your JBoss Application Server installation and the JBoss Web site.

JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final Stable

Blog Announcement | What's New | Installation Instructions

JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.5.1.Beta1b provides a number of additional features and tools for
JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final.Click here to learn more or install.

Listed below are artifacts related to this release.

Update Site zips (Archived p2 Repos) are for offline installation. You do not need to unpack these zips to use them. Install into Eclipse via:

Help > Install New Software… > Add… > Archive…

Then select the downloaded zip, and the feature(s) you'd like to install.

Jboss-5.1.0.ga-jdk6.zip Download

Update site (including sources) bundle of all JBoss Core Tools 616MB zip (sha256)
Sources zip of all JBoss Core Tools 226MB zip (sha256)
Stand-alone BrowserSim 16MB zip (sha256)
Release Noteshtml