Microsoft Word Runtime Error 53

My previous answer was based on incomplete information. The Acrobat add-in creates the Acrobat tab on the Ribbon. This tab is the only way I know of to include both hyperlinks and fonts in a PDF created from Word for Mac. Under Developer Macro Settings, select the Trust access to the VBA project object model check box. For more information about how to use the method, search for the method name in Visual Basic Help.

Common Errors EditScriptMT FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Error FAQs
  • How do I fix error 53: File notFound?
Microsoft word runtime error 532
  • How do I fix error 429?
  • How do I fix error 430?
  • How do I fix error 462: Remoteserver machine does not exist or unavailable?
  • How do I fix error 1155?
  • How do I fix error 2738: Could notaccess VBScript run time for custom action?
  • The EditScript logo shows butEditScript never starts, how do I fix this?
  • I am getting an Automation errorwith EditScript, how can I fix this?
  • I am running Vistaand am having problems inserting Templates, how can I fix this?
  • What does it mean if I getcommunication errors?
  • How do I fix a 'Value cannot benull, Parameter value:ptr' error?
Microsoft Word Runtime Error 53
  • How do I fix the 'MicrosoftWord was unable to load a custom eScription addin' Macro Security problem?
  • How can Ifix the “No Database URL is Specified in the EditScript MT Options file” error?

Microsoft Word Runtime Error 53 Download

  • How do Ifix a “Winword has terminated unexpectedly” error?
  • How do I fix a 'No Database URLSpecified…' error?
  • How do I determine which version ofEditScript I am running?
  • I have problems with my contactfiles and/or CC list, how can I fix this?
  • Where do I find necessary MicrosoftOffice & Microsoft Word Updates?
  • How do you remove eScriptionDictionaries?
  • Why is EditScriptMTslow or unresponsive?
  • My Red Box cursor isn't showing up,what can I do to fix this?
  • How can I get my templates to openup in EditScript and not in a separate Word window?
  • Exactly what versions of Word aresupported with EditScript?

Microsoft Word Runtime Error 53 On Mac

  • EditScript is “shadowing” text andthe screen is “super-imposing” itself. How can I fix this?
  • My Word Toolbarsaren’t working with EditScript, how can I fix this?