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Here are the solution to customize the pagefile.sys in Windows 11 and 10 ergo size of paging file the virtual memory!

1.) ... Open the Settings of the pagefile.sys in Window 10/11!
2.) ... Resize, move, change the paging file size!
3.) ... What should be, when move the pagefile.sys to another volume, HD, SSD!

See also Windows 10 Memory Diagnostics ► Set a limit for maximum used RAM memory

1.) Open the Settings of the pagefile.sys in Window 10/11!

If you want to open the settings for swap (virtual memory) change it in ► advanced System Properties
1. Start Run-Dialog [Windows+R] and enter the command sysdm.cpl ,3
2. In advanced 'System Properties' select the Tab 'Advanced' and click the Button 'Settings'
3. In the 'Performance Options', please select also the tab 'Advanced' and click the Button 'Change...'
In 'Virtual Memory', please un-check the box 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'
(... see Image-1 Point 1 to 7)
if you want co ►... Customize or Move the Virtual Memory!
(Image-1) Open the settings of the paging file pagefile.sys in Windows 10!

If you receive Windows 10 warnings that your virtual memory is low, you need to increase the minimum size the paging file. Windows 10 sets the initial minimum size of the paging file equal to the size of random access memory installed on your windows plus some extra megabytes , and the maximum bigness equal to three times the amount of RAM installed on your computer. If you see warnings at these recommended levels, then increase the minimum and maximum sizes.

2.) Set / change the paging file size for windows 10 (customize virtual memory)!

If you have: ►► open the Settings of the pagefile.sys easy resize or move the pagefile.sys!
For example disable, the virtual memory in Windows 10 on C: Drive
(... see Image-2 Point 1 to 3)
And use custom size for the swap file (pagefile,sys) on E: (SWAP)
(... see Image-2 Point 1 to 7)
Please don't forget the button 'Set'
(Image-2) Customize the paging file pagefile.sys for Windows 10!

3.) ... What should be, when move the pagefile.sys to another volume, HD, SSD!

When you move the pagefile.sys on Windows-10 to another disk, it should be no external disk! At best, use the fastest hard disk on the operating system!
Windows 10 can start without paging file. And the paging file (virtual memory) can be adjusted if necessary again.

4.) Recommended paging file size for windows 10!

The old rule 'use the double size of the RAM' is for old computers with 1 or 2 GB of RAM.
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how much page file or swap space you need. It all depends on the programs you use and what they need. If you’re unsure, sticking with your operating system’s defaults is almost always a good idea.
Info! This fairly brief FAQ is also suitable for Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016 and Windows Web Server 2012 R2 as a smart and easy solution to customize pagefile.sys ergo virtual memory.

FAQ 52: Updated on: 10 August 2021 12:17
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