Sims 4 Female Body Hair

Werewolves have been part of The Sims ever since Makin’ Magic was released with the original version of the game.

Sims 4 Female Body Hair Mod

Female Hair Mods. Starting with the female hair mods. Under is the list of some of the best sims 4 hairs for females. Each hairstyle also has its description. This will ease the difficulty of the player. Hence he/she can choose the style according to the female character. Nightcrawler Hair. Request & Find - The Sims 4; Female Body Hair IGNORED Female Body Hair. By Macabetucabe, July 20, 2018 in Request & Find - The Sims 4. Recommended Posts. The Sims 4 The Sims 4 CC Hair - The 96 Best Female Hairstyles To Download. We all prayed for more realistic hairstyles in Sims 4! Thankfully many talented and devoted content creators have uploaded awesome hairstyles online, and here we listed some of the must-have ones! Sims 4 Body Presets made by Angel. Free for download for the Sims community. All pictures taken in game with no editing.

To date, The Sims 3: Supernatural had the most in-depth werewolf options (though many players think The Sims 3 offered the most in-depth of everything, we digress….).

Before even adding werewolves to The Sims 3, a patch added body hair as an option in Create-a-Sim. But The Sims 4 has neither werewolves nor body hair, almost seven years after the game was first released.

That might still change, but at the time of writing, to get body hair in The Sims 4 you have to turn to the age-old proverb: luckily, there’s a mod for that (or custom content in this case). In fact, there are several mods/CC options for adding body hair to your game.

While it does seem unfathomable that something quite as basic as body hair has not been integrated into The Sims 4 base game, we are not here to complain today. We wrote about the possibility of body hair being added to The Sims 4 back in 2020, with Sim Guru Drake saying the game “needs to deliver on body hair”, so there is hope for the future.

Sims 4: Adding body hair for male and female Sims

We are going to look at two options for the purposes of this article, but if you have any favs of your own, feel free to let us know and we’ll feature them too.

We’ll start with one of our favourite Sims 4 Custom Content creators: Luumia Sims.

Their Body Hair V5 CC adds full body coverage for all body bits (yes, even those usually behind pixel censors). There are 15 variations to choose from and five colour swatches.

Since this is Custom Content, it’s added through the tattoo section in Create-a-Sim, but there are no conflicts with other tattoos. So even if your Sim is fully inked up, you can still add the body hair without worrying about it going missing.

We gave this a thorough testing – including with some CC tattoos – and found it worked perfectly.

It does work for both male and female Sims, although the custom thumbnail doesn’t show up when you toggle across, but that’s not the end of the world.

For players looking to create Sims with conditions such as Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), among many others, this is an incredibly useful addition.

Sims 4 Female Body Hair

The second option for adding body hair to The Sims 4 comes from cabism. It uses Luumia’s textures and is also found under tattoos in CAS.

Sims 4 Women's Body Hair


This is intended to be more suitable for female Sims since it specifically adds underarm hair and hair for behind-the-pixels (we’re trying to keep things PG here).

Is There Body Hair In Sims 4

This does also work on male Sims, though, and doesn’t conflict with Luumia’s CC either – so if you want to use both, you can.

Sims 4 Female Body Hair Cc

While we remain hopeful that body hair will be added to The Sims 4 base game in the near future, for now, these options work just fine. We tested both after the December 2020 skin tones update and did not have any issues.