
Soundflower is an open source kernel extension for MacOS, designed to create a virtual audio output device that can also act as an input.


Soundflower is the story of a woman whose divine quest began as a child with a mystical experience in the majestic Gothic architecture of a Catholic church. Signs and symbols experienced in her youth continued to appear throughout her life, but one of the most profound spiritual messages came to her from science—in the form of sound made visible. Jul 21, 2017 Soundflower is a OS X system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications. Soundflower is easy to use, it simply presents itself as an audio device, allowing any audio application to send and receive audio with no other support needed.

Initial development and maintenance of Soundflower was done by Cycling '74. In 2014, Cycling '74 passed stewardship of Soundflower to Rogue Amoeba, but we ultimately didn't have the time or resources to improve the product.


Thankfully, at the end of 2015, Soundflower's original author Matt Ingalls picked up the baton. The project can now be found via this GitHub link. If you're looking to use Soundflower, that's the link to visit.

If you've previously used Soundflower, or are simply looking for a reliable tool to route audio between applications on your Mac, you may be interested in Loopback.


Loopback is a modern, fully-featured virtual audio device tool of our own. With a robust infrastructure and full support, it's the ideal tool to route audio between applications and more.

Learn more on the Loopback page.

We are dedicated to creating a safe and powerful environment so that you can drop into a meditative state, bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly to the unconscious. We use a divine formula of movement, pranayama, vocal toning, aromatherapy, and sound, in an immersive guided meditation experience.

This is about raisingconsciousness,awakening our inner childrealizing our visions

Hi! We are Maya Phipps and Carron Sherry, two souls who found each other during a time of spiritual discovery. With a passion for journey and deep desire to share our knowledge, we made a commitment to help all beings connect to thier truth, rewire their consciousness and transform their life for the better.

We have discover a devine formula with proven results, using the healing power of sound, scent, movement, meditation, to help you feel good about yourself, make the changes you want and reset your mind with miracle mindset.


Interactive consciousness expanding content and products to support that journey. We believe passionately in educating, having fun, good food, Great friends, long talks, broadened horizons + a spirit of adventure.

We are also 100% positive the world would be a
better place if everyone spent 15 minutes a day meditating with sound.

Maya lives in NYC and Sag Harbor with her husband and 2 children. She is a certified yoga instructor, sound practitioner and aromatherapist. She is dedicating her life to the pursuit of connecting the inner and outer worlds for the purpose of empowering herself and others to live a life of self-love and self-healing. She believes that we all have the power to write our own story and that our reality is merely a manifestation of our thoughts.

Maya Phipps

Carron is a certified health and wellness practitioner focusing on creating a safe and powerful environment for sonic meditation experiences, teaching nada yoga, and creating aromatic formulations for her clients, family, and friends, Carron is a certified yoga instructor, aromatherapist, and TM meditation instructor, and a mother of four beautiful daughters in NYC.

Soundflower Mac Download


Soundflower App

Carron Sherry